Kanturk, Co. Cork Extract from local newsletter sent to emigrants in USA, dated 1963; transcription provided by M. Cogan of Listowel Connection, who has assisted this project on handball alley many times.
Handball News: This is something new for the News Letter. We are glad to announce that the Handball Alley in Strand St. has been re-opened and a third ball Club formed.
The Officers are as follows: Presidents — Rev. Fr. O'Keane, C.C. and Mr. Andrew Keating (Egmont Place). Chairman—Mr. Noel O'Toole (Newmarket Road). Treasurer — Mr. Seamus O'Riordan (Bluepool Dr.). Secretary — Mr. Don Fitzgerald (Ballyheen). There are 70 members in the Club.
A few challenge Games have been played in which Jerry Mullane (Bluepool Upr.) and Seamus Riordan werebeaten by Mr. Cremin and P. Egan,Liscarroll in Novice Soft Ball Doubles. In the Junior Softball Singles John O'Mahony (Mill Road) was beaten by T. Murphy, Liscarroll.
In the County C'ships Colm. Lynch, (Knocknacolan) and Don Fitzgerald (Ballyheen) won the first round in the Junior Soft Ball Doubles. The following will represent the club in other Grades
Novice Doubles — Brendan Fogarty (Bluepool Dr.) and Andrew Cotter, (Main St.), Novice Singles — Noel O'Toole, Junior Singles — Colm Lynch, (Knocknacolan).
“Over the Bar" may not be a technical term in the Handball vocabulary, but as a matter of interest the "Alley Bar" closed down since the death of Mrs. Julia Twohill R.I.P., has been re-opened and is now the property of Mr. Ned Jones, of Ballydesmond.
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